Stress Annealed | Final Annealed (Perfection Annealed)
MuMETAL® is typically stocked in a stress annealed state to allow further
fabrication, stamping, severe forming or welding. During fabrication, a
material’s grain structure is weakened. After final fabrication processes are
completed, grain structure is then modified by controlled atmospheric
annealing to relieve stress in the material, resulting in larger grain structure,
softer temper, and ultimate shielding performance. Although MuMETAL®
is available in many forms, most shields are fabricated from foil or sheet
stock. |
What Is MuMETAL®? (PDF - 68 KB)
Why Is MuMETAL® Offered? (PDF - 69 KB)
Magnetic Fields & Shields Overview? (PDF - 95 KB)
What Is Magnetic Permeability? (PDF - 70 KB)
